Ascetic life of motherhood

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Daily Readings with Children

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I want to share a little Orthodox Mom Hack with you that’s been working really well for us lately. In order to consistently read the scriptures or daily saints with my children, I’ve found that having a cookbook stand with either the Bible or a Saint book that lives on the table has helped tremendously! There’s something about that visual reminder of seeing it there as we gather for meal times that makes it both convenient and easy to do. It’s usually one of my children who reminds me “Mom, you’ve gotta read us a new saint story!” They absolutely love it and look forward to it each day. 

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For reading the lives of the saints:

We’ve recently starting purchasing the “My Synaxarion” series by Potamitis Press and I’m so very happy with it. There is one volume per month and there is a saint for every day of the month! They sell the entire series (12 months), which you can absolutely invest in, or you can do what we’re doing and buy them for birthday gifts, name days, and other special days throughout the year and slowly build up the collection. 

Check out this video for a sneak peak inside the May My Synaxarion: A Saint for Everyday

Additional Reference books for reading the of the saints for kids:

For Older Kids:

For children’s Bibles:

or Listen to the Scripture of the Day on the podcastDaily Orthodox Scriptures: For kids

For older kids:

Cookbook stand pictured: Target

So if you’re wanting to wanting to add any sort of read alouds to your day, or incorporating the lives of the saints and scripture reading, tie it to meal time, prop it up on a cookbook stand, and enjoy learning together! 

I love sharing little hacks and resources I find with others, and it gives me great joy to see others using these resources with their children. It’s my hope and desire that all children love God. As a parent myself, I know that is a huge task, so I hope to help other parents shoulder the burden of sharing the Faith with their children in a way to engage more fully.

-Khouria Destinie

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